Folsom California Stake
of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Hear powerful messages from prophets and apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as they share insights about living the gospel of Jesus Christ, inviting others to follow Him, caring for one another, and uniting families. Explore these prophetic perspectives to deepen your connection with God.
2025 Ward Meeting Times & Locations
Scholar Way Building:
Folsom 2nd Ward: 9:00 AM - Scholar Way Bldg.
Folsom 5th Ward: 10:30 AM - Scholar Way Bldg.
Folsom 4th Ward: 12:00 PM - Scholar Way Bldg.
El Dorado Hills Ward: 1:30 PM - Scholar Way Bldg.
Temple Hill Building:
Folsom 6th Ward: 9:30 AM - Temple Hill Bldg.
Folsom 3rd Ward: 11:00 AM - Temple Hill Bldg.
Folsom Lake YSA Ward: 1:00 PM - Temple Hill Bldg.
Green Valley Building:
Oakridge Ward: 9:00 AM - Green Valley Bldg.
Lakeridge Ward: 10:30 AM - Green Valley Bldg.
Silva Valley Ward: 12:00 PM - Green Valley Bldg.
Stake News
Serving congregations in the areas of Folsom & El Dorado Hills.
Does your ward have a website? If not, the stake communications committee can help!
The stake communications committee can get you started. Your ward website can be setup and linked to our Folsom Stake Website. We'd love to help! Check out the other ward websites in the stake!
For assistance in setting up your ward website:
Email us at: or contact Mark Bahouth or Malinda Bingham
Stake Announcements & Activities
The 2025 youth theme, “Look unto Christ,” is the focus of a worldwide discussion for youth in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Sunday, January 5, 2025. Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Emily Freeman, and Steven J. Lund will address the youth and youth leader on the 2025 youth theme.
Wards in the stake will hose this event for their youth at a time and place that works best.
How Youth Can Prepare:
2) Study Doctrine & Covenants 6:36
How Leaders Can Prepare Youth:
1) Teaching youth about a worldwide discussion and how youth all over the world will be gathering together to be a part of this worldwide discussion.
-Come learn about St. John's organization and Days for Girls.
-President and Sister Boyce (from our Temple Presidency) will speak about love and the temple.
-Donations for St. John's can be brought that night, and all the sisters will have an opportunity to work on 'Days for Girls' pads at the end.
Recurring Announcements
The State of California requires that all volunteers who work with Youth for 32 hours or more per year have digital fingerprints taken and a background check completed (also referred to as Live Scan). The background check searches only for certain serious offenses, not for traffic or other minor issues.
Most ward and stake leaders and many ward members are now required to be fingerprinted as part of the Live Scan process, including the stake presidency, bishoprics, stake and ward primary workers, stake and ward young women and young men leaders, advisors, instructors, and camp directors, seminary teachers and secretaries (including regular substitutes), aAny other person who may work with youth or children for 32 hours or more per year. It also includes those serving as ministers with junior companions who are minors.
Members will be charged $15-45 for the fingerprinting part of the process. They should submit a request to the Ward Finance Clerk for reimbursement as soon as possible. The following are the lowest cost Live scan vendors in Folsom and El Dorado Hills (Plan on a 15-20 minute visit).
FOL - $20 – The UPS Store at 13389 Folsom Blvd, Suite 300
FOL - $21 - Capitol Live Scan. The UPS Store at 705 E. Bidwell, Suite #2
FOL - $24 – More than a Mailbox. 1750 Prairie City Road, Suite 130
EDH - $30 - JCM -Notary and Live Scan. 1245 Villagio Drive.
Ecclesiastical endorsement interviews with the stake presidency can also be scheduled online at the same site:
The Sacramento FamilySearch Library invites the members of your stake and wards to participate in our family history classes. These courses are available in person at the Sacramento Family History Center. All classes are free to the public. See list of classes here.
Some classes are also broadcast as webinars. To access, click on "Register." Make sure your headphones or speakers are connected before you enter the webinar. Please join 15-20 minutes before the start time to ensure your sound is working.
The Tour Guides share how temple worship is part of our faith and its role in the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is an ideal opportunity to help others feel and recognize the Holy Ghost in a very comfortable and non-pressured way. It is also for youth, new and returning members, and those preparing to enter the temple -- everyone is encouraged to attend. The tour includes a video presentation and a guided walk around the temple. Approximate time: 1 hour
This class will be held on the 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month from 6:00 -7:00 pm at the Scholar Way Chapel.
The class is available for all young men and young women with an emphasis for high school seniors and juniors. Treats will be served.
Folsom Stake Sponsored Addiction Recovery & Support Meetings:
For group leader contact information refer to the Tools application or the church website ward directory. Pleaser refer to the Addiction Recovery Program website: to find meeting details for each of the groups and to find other nearby group meetings.
The Liahona network in all the church buildings can be accessed using the password “alma3738”. In addition to the password, users will be asked to accept the Terms of Use before gaining network access. The Terms of Use must be accepted once each day a user accesses the network.
We encourage all Folsom Stake members to follow both our Facebook page and our Instagram page. You can also find helpful links on our Linktree.
You can also access these sites by clicking on the buttons below